Monday, October 16, 2023

Grace of Apostleship

Through Him we have received the grace of apostleship, 
to bring about the obedience of faith, 
for the sake of His name, among all the Gentiles. 

Father in heaven, You are the one true source of all graces and blessings that brings peace and prosperity each day of our lives. I praise and thank You through Your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ setting me apart in accordance with Your will and purpose.

Today, I humbly ask and pray for the power of Your Most Holy Spirit in me to stand as a living witness and instrument of Your grace, to bring about the obedience of faith. I do confess that I am still very much a work in progress in as far as my calling to be holy is concerned. It is impossible for me to save myself from sin and only Christ can transform me to be the person You want me to be. 

It is not me but You in me that makes me holy. Your Spirit of holiness in me unites my true being into Yours for in truth, I came from You and nothing can take me aways from You. I belong to You and You alone.

May this day and the rest of my days bring much glory and praise to Your Name through Jesus Christ Your Son in whom all good things come. Amen.

Grace Bestowed in Abundance

Everything indeed is for you,  so that the grace bestowed in abundance on more and more people  may cause the thanksgiving to overflow for t...